What’s the buzz about the fermented stuff?
Fermented Foods – a new paradigm? Peaceful co-existence with microbes rather than warfare?? Is it possible? It’s a radical thought but one that’s growing amongst the whole-foodists, paleos, home-cooking advocates, cutting edge nutritionists and all the other rebels, skeptics and change agents questioning the prevailing wisdom around the so-called food we currently eat. But why … Read more
What you’ll find out from gut healthy analysis
As Sivanna health, where I am now practicing, we use a lot of functional medicine testing to help find out exactly what’s going on inside the body of our clients. With digestive issues immensely prevalent, I wanted to share this article by colleague Leisa Wheeler on the five possible outcomes you might find from the … Read more
The unmentionable! Constipation!
Let’s talk about the unmentionables… Can relieving constipation help with weight loss? And if yes, is there a safe way to do it? This week I heard a story of an unhealthy, overweight man who followed a raw food detoxification program. In one day he lost over 6 kgs and had 12 bowel motions! OMG!! … Read more
"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."
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