What Happens to a Woman at Age 45?
Hello peace at any age especially midlife! One of the things I’m learning in Yin Yoga is the graceful art of surrender… if you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend you do – yin yoga I mean! In the past, I’ve never surrendered gracefully. I have been, what you would call, a bit of a ratbag and … Read more
The Art of Salad Making
How to make an awesome salad that’s satisfying Now’s the time to make the most of salads. It’s hot, we feel lazy, we need cooling foods and we want to feel light. So what’s the problem? Many of us think of salads as a side dish and write them off as a main meal. Think … Read more
Basic Kimchi recipe
Basic Cabbage Kimchi Timeframe: One week (or longer) Ingredients (for 1 litre) Sea salt 500gms Chinese cabbage A few red radishes 1 large carrot 1-2 onions, leeks, chives or spring onions 2-4 cloves of garlic (or more!) 3-4 red hot chillies, fresh or dried (to taste) 3 tbs fresh grated ginger Method Mix a brine … Read more
What’s the buzz about the fermented stuff?
Fermented Foods – a new paradigm? Peaceful co-existence with microbes rather than warfare?? Is it possible? It’s a radical thought but one that’s growing amongst the whole-foodists, paleos, home-cooking advocates, cutting edge nutritionists and all the other rebels, skeptics and change agents questioning the prevailing wisdom around the so-called food we currently eat. But why … Read more
"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."
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