Could it be your hormones making you fat?
You’re great at your job, you have a flair for helping others get what they want, maybe you’re a coach or a consultant of some kind and your customers love you. But when it comes to helping yourself, hmmm, you’re not so great. You dress well, you go to the gym and you know exactly … Read more
Could it be your thyroid?
A new client came to me yesterday. She’d been diagnosed at 16 with an under active thyroid and she’d been on Thyroxine ever since. She’s now 40, obese and miserable. Many people believe their weight problem is caused by their thyroid being under active, but is it really? My experience tells me an under active … Read more
The point of feeling yuk!
Today I was coaching a client who wants to lose weight so she can fall pregnant. She has polycystic ovarian syndrome. This is a condition caused by poor blood sugar control and insulin resistance which is caused largely by a poor diet. Just eliminating soft drinks helped this young woman to lose 2 kilos! But, … Read more
You are not alone & being mindful
… you pig out regularly (this is now called Binge Eating Disorder), skip meals, exercise like crazy to make up for your overeating, put yourself on restrictive diets or you use laxatives, diet pills or steroids. This is disordered eating and it’s extremely common, affecting between 3% and 7% of the population and it’s equally … Read more
Sugar addiction, kindness and weight loss
I was driving through Sydney one fateful day listening to a fabulous documentary on the radio. As I listened a massive light bulb went off in my head. They were talking about sugar addiction! It was the first time I’d heard it described in such detail with a number of people sharing their stories. I … Read more
Chocolate, wine and bacon & the 4 White Devils! Part 2
Goodness! Don’t you reckon there’s room for chocolate, wine and bacon in a diet that maintains our most natural weight! I do! We’ve just got to learn to make them work for us. Back when I had a very unhealthy relationship with food I would eat chocolate like it was my last day of the … Read more
Overcoming comfort eating
Comfort Eating Comfort eating is common, occurring in up to 80% of the population! Comfort eating (AKA emotional or non-hungry eating) is the urge to eat for reasons other than physiological hunger. In our culture where food is incredibly abundant, comfort eating has become a convenient way for us to manage uncomfortable emotions. Just … Read more
Who am I and what do I do?
Who I am Hi I’m Brenda Rogers and most of all, I’m a coach! I love to help people blossom and grow into who they want to be. Specifically, I help people do that by working through their weight issues. I’m a spiritual coach, an emotional intelligence coach and I work with the psychology of … Read more
The Risky Business of Self Care!
A favourite teacher of mine, Geneen Roth, has been teaching me how to heal from emotional eating for a long time now. I’ve absorbed her wisdom into my cells! She’s a writer and is beautifully articulate in describing what we need to do to find out way through. I share her wise words, with her … Read more
"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."
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