5 Health Secrets Your Saliva Hormone Test Can Tell You?
Have you ever thought about investigating your hormone health, but have not been certain exactly what you might find out? Here are five common results I see regularly on saliva hormone tests, and a brief description of what they might mean. 1) Oestrogen Imbalance – This is common in both women and men. Yes that’s … Read more
How the Pill switches off Hormones and Why that Matters
by Lara Briden www.larabriden.com.au The Pill was an important step in our struggle to legalize contraception. I celebrate that, of course. The Pill is legitimate medicine for debilitating conditions like severe endometriosis and menstrual flooding. I celebrate that. What I don’t celebrate is the distorted message that hormonal contraception is the only contraception. What I don’t celebrate is the … Read more
"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."
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