Will your goal to lose weight really get you there?
Every person I speak to initially tells me they want to lose weight. All their attention, drive and energy is aimed at that target. After questioning them I soon find out that what they really want is peace, confidence, control and to feel good about themselves. However, with weight loss as their goal it makes … Read more
Overcoming comfort eating
Comfort Eating Comfort eating is common, occurring in up to 80% of the population! Comfort eating (AKA emotional or non-hungry eating) is the urge to eat for reasons other than physiological hunger. In our culture where food is incredibly abundant, comfort eating has become a convenient way for us to manage uncomfortable emotions. Just … Read more
Diet foods? You’ve got rocks in your head if you eat that stuff!
Paris Hilton says: “Only fat people drink diet soda!” I say “Hell , don’t eat or drink that stuff!” Why, you ask? For these reasons: Artificial sweeteners are unnatural to the body Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners are man-made, unnatural chemicals that have significant health consequences, especially if you consume a lot of it over … Read more
Is black and white thinking make you fat?
Black and white thinking is prevalent in dieters. It could be called The Dieting Mentality. Black and white thinking could also show up as all or nothing thinking or right and wrong thinking. While these types of thinking styles are normal, when they become excessive they can severely limit our perspective on life and our … Read more
"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."
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