Could it be your thyroid?
A new client came to me yesterday. She’d been diagnosed at 16 with an under active thyroid and she’d been on Thyroxine ever since. She’s now 40, obese and miserable. Many people believe their weight problem is caused by their thyroid being under active, but is it really? My experience tells me an under active … Read more
The point of feeling yuk!
Today I was coaching a client who wants to lose weight so she can fall pregnant. She has polycystic ovarian syndrome. This is a condition caused by poor blood sugar control and insulin resistance which is caused largely by a poor diet. Just eliminating soft drinks helped this young woman to lose 2 kilos! But, … Read more
Are you wondering if stress is contributing to your weight problem?
When you hear the word stress what do you think about? Does your never ending “To Do” list come to mind? Or time pressure, personality conflicts at work, a demanding boss or traffic? This is mental stress but it’s only one type of stress. The stress of meeting a deadline at work may only be … Read more
Love your fat, it’s keeping you safe!
Every wondered why your body defaults to a certain weight? Ever thought about what unconsciously drives you to eat the way you do? It’s the mind. And it’s not your enemy! Both your mind and your body are ALWAYS trying to help you. Survival is programmed into it. Knowing how to work with it will … Read more
The War Against Butter!
Should we eat butter or should we eat margarine? The answer reveals so much about what’s going on in the area of food and nutrition right now. My own bias, as someone who trusts nature, is that butter is the way to go. In fact in our household margarine is not welcome! However, many people … Read more
Is a diet of kindness the answer?
Sometimes, we overeat or eat the “wrong” foods to punish ourselves. Sometimes the voice in our head is very unkind and says all manner of things that are hurtful – things like “I’m not good enough”, “I’m useless”, or “I’m not loveable”. These are in fact lies. But we believe it. These unkind forms of … Read more
Ending the War with Food
Today I am sharing an article from one of my favourite authors on emotional eating: Geneen Roth. I hope it gives you inspiration. Imagine this: You are walking in a meadow on a fresh autumn day. The leaves are turning a burnished gold and red. You come upon a long table covered in a white … Read more
Quote for today
There are realities we all share, regardless of our nationality, language, or individual tastes. As we need food, so do we need emotional nourishment: love, kindness, appreciation, and support from others. J. Donald Walters
"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."
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