My Top 8 Tips for Coping with Lockdown


Here are some of my philosophical and practical ruminations on coping with the lockdown.

Remember, too shall pass…


1. Eating well & using cooking as a hobby
I’m spending more time in the kitchen rather than watching TV. Eating well is WAY cheaper if you make things yourself so in the last few weeks I’ve researched recipes and made the following:

  • Sourdough bread – regular and herb 
  • Beet kvass – A digestive and blood tonic that I sip with dinner
  • Stewed green apples – for the family
  • Yoghurt – in the EasiYo maker
  • Creme frèche – I needed the whey from the yoghurt so I separated them – a tablespoon of creme I put into soups
  • Hot and spicy sauerkraut – we go through tons in our house and this is why I needed the whey
  • Pesto sauces – every culture seems to have a variety on this green theme and I’ve tried lots of them lately including parsley and anchovy pesto. They add massive flavour to a simple meat and veg meal
  • Homemade chicken broth – of course this is a staple in our kitchen and goes into lots of meals.

2. Incubating new projects
While the clinic is slow and lots of my consultations are on hold I’m working with some amazing women to create some new stuff that will be launched later in the year or next year. It keeps me positive and future focused. 

I’ve definitely avoided holidays though. These have been on hold for years due to finances, and lots of other excuses. So, that’s my next big challenge, to book ourselves a holiday!

3. Movement
While I’m probably less fit that I was a year ago, I’m in less pain and I’m enjoying my exercise way more. That’s because I’m outdoors and my daily walks have become a spiritual practice

I start by focusing on my breath and then I look for everything I can appreciate and feel gratitude for. It lifts my spirits tremendously. 

And, if I feel like it, I’ll do squats and lunges and do 10 minutes on the mini trampoline when I get home. Exercise now has a different context. 

4. Where I’m not doing well, I’m surrendering
Of course I’m human and some things aren’t great! I miss my family who all live in Canberra. I’m sometimes acutely lonely. I don’t like the cold! 

I find the best thing I can do is acknowledge the discomfort, recognise any patterns to beat myself up and redirect my focus to something positive

5. Learning how to sleep well
Sleep after 50 isn’t always easy so I have a couple of strategies.

  • Skipping the sugar
  • I have on hand my favourite herbs for sleep eg Chinese herb formula TranQwill
  • Occasional melatonin tablets
  • Getting to bed at the same time every night – roughly 9.30PM
  • Getting up at the same time every morning (except Sundays!) – roughly 5.30/6AM
  • Not getting frustrated when I can’t sleep and instead having a conversation with my higher self about what wisdom is wanting to come through 
  • If all else fails, just trying again the next night!

6. Being ok with not being ok
Lockdown intensifies everything that’s already there. Being a Virgo, i have a critical nature so that’s come up. Having perfectionist tendencies, I found it easy to beat myself up for slow progress. 

I’ve had to do some inner work. 

Lockdown has been a great opportunity for this. 

7. Letting the Government do what it has to do
This is hard for me for 2 key reasons:

  1. I’ve been trained to think differently. I’ve been a naturopath for 30 years and in that time I’ve developed a deep, intuitive understanding of the way the body works. I can’t list tons of facts and figures for my opinions just deep knowing that a virus isn’t the enemy. And how we’re approaching this pandemic doesn’t sit well with that knowing.
  2. I’m ignorant. My world is narrow. I don’t know what’s really going on. I don’t know which facts are being withheld or promoted, by whom, for what intention. I don’t trust, a lot. Especially when it comes to medical interventions, I’m deeply distrustful.

But for my mental wellbeing, I need to allow the Government to do what it has to do. I need to follow their guidelines. I see that they really do think they are doing what’s best. And while I don’t always agree, I do trust that the world is unfolding the way it’s meant to. 

8. Attending online events
I’ve been getting around to other networking events via Zoom and have met some fabulous new people. I’m in BNI for business networking and have recently joined Women With Altitude as well. I’m also part of an Earth Medicine association for practitioner mentoring called Estuary Learning. They are all fabulous groups. If you’d like an invitation please let me know. 

I’ve also signed up for lots of webinars and I’m running some too! So learning has become super easy, and cheap!

My intention in sharing this and my hope for you is that you get to take the opportunities that this current situation offers. It takes a shift in perspective to make lemonade out of lemons. 

Much love, 


Brenda is the founder of Quintessence Health and creator of the Passage to Power programs, events and training. She’s a skilled naturopath and life coach helping to support women and men through the wellness challenges associated with the midlife transition.

Brenda Rogers

With over 25 years experience as a corporate trainer, naturopath, yoga teacher and wise woman educator, Brenda is the head clinician and coach at Quintessence Health.

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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