Our Values

Personal and holistic

Quintessence Women’s Health is a personalised, holistic approach to women’s health and wellbeing.  We teach women how to take charge of their health by:

  • 1 Understanding the intelligence behind their symptoms
  • 2 Connecting with their body’s innate guidance
  • 3 Using natural and plant-based medicine to facilitate healing

Where women were once overwhelmed, stressed and tired, they transform into an empowered, self-contained and vibrant woman.


Who we are

We’d really like you to know who we are and how we get results.

  • We’re about joy!
    It’s our #1 priority to find the lightness, the fun, and the playful in your life.
  • We are holistic.
    You are a whole being and that includes body, mind and spirit.
  • We are curious.
    Our philosophy is based on “root cause” medicine so we work hard to investigate your individual case to find and address what’s holding you back from true wellbeing.
  • We take the time to educate you.
    Education leads to empowerment.
  • We are highly qualified, thorough and professional.
    We offer a highly individualised service which has a high impact on your life. We are highly credentialed.
  • We are the “go to” resource.
    We have a professional network of vetted practitioners that we can refer you to if necessary.

Who we are NOT

  • We are not quick fix medicine.
    We’re about working with the wisdom of the body, not in supressing your symptoms.
  • We are not subsidised.
    We are an independent, and an investment in your future health and wellbeing. We will save you a fortune in unnecessary supplements, unsuccessful diets and sickness expenses.
  • We are not for everyone.
    Not everyone is ready for holistic medicine or taking responsibility for their health. And that’s ok, we can refer to you someone awesome for you.

Meet Brenda

With more than 25 years of experience as a corporate trainer, naturopath, yoga teacher and wise woman educator, Brenda is the head clinician and coach at Quintessence.

My passion is to empower the 50 year old woman to become the woman she's dreamed of and make the difference she was born to make.

Coach Brenda

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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