Healthy supermarket hints


Sometimes a piece of real bread with a delicious organic egg or two, fresh mushrooms with butter and a cup of Madura tea is essential!  At least for me.  On a lazy Sunday when all is well in my world, this can be a divine way to start the day.

For those who can tolerate a little bread the Bill’s range of breads available in Woollies and Coles are delicious.

Their website states:

Our Certified Organic stoneground sourdough breads have:

  • NO added yeast

  • NO dairy products

  • NO chemical herbicides or pesticides

  • NO artificial preservatives, flavouring or colouring

  • NO genetic modification

  • NO added sugar

  • NO animal products

Yum!  Nutritious and delicious.


IMG_0724 IMG_0725Making healthy eating more economical is one of my goals and something most of my clients are interested in as well.  Here’s a way to get really great yoghurt (I love the Greek yoghurt) for around $4 litre.

In the supermarket (Woollies NOT Coles) you’ll find EasiYo.  The first thing you do is buy the yoghurt maker which is usually about $22 but is sometimes on sale for less.  Then you buy the sachets of yoghurt mix.  You’ll find a few varieties in the supermarket but if you go to their website, you’ll be able to order lots more varieties.

Here’s what they say about the source of their ingredients:

Made in New Zealand

Most people will have heard of clean, green New Zealand.  What most people don’t know, is that even in New Zealand there are ‘clean & green’ areas, and there are ‘CLEAN & GREEN’ areas of the country.

You see, all EasiYo products are made using the finest premium New Zealand milk powder… which is derived from our free-range cows that graze the most pristine and fertile pastures on the West Coast of New Zealand’s South Island.

This area is known locally as ‘Godzone’, because of its untouched beauty and perfect farming climate. We are very proud of this region, and it’s a primary reason our milk powder is so special.

Extra Hint: when making your yoghurt be sure to let it sit for 24hrs.  By that time the friendly little bacteria will have consumed most of the lactose and that’s much better for you sugar levels.

If you love this product let me know and I’ll pass on your comments to my friends (clients)!

New Product (to me at least!)

IMG_0726Cooksimple (click here to go to their website) make healthy meal starters in a box.  I bought the Wild Rice version recently and it was a hit in our house.  I added tofu, zucchini and onion to fill it out though you could use just about anything.

I liked it because it was tasty and fulfilling yet can easily be made vegetarian and I am looking for ways to bring more yummy vegetarian meals into our kitchen.  There is also a Jumbalaya, Dal and Chilli version plus others which we’re going to try next.

Give it a go! I found it in Woolworths but if you need to find a store or shop online go to their website.

To your health!

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Brenda Rogers

With over 25 years experience as a corporate trainer, naturopath, yoga teacher and wise woman educator, Brenda is the head clinician and coach at Quintessence Health.

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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