
Now Available: The Detox Massage

By Brenda Rogers / 11 Feb 2015

Introducing… The Detox Massage The Detox Massage can help purify the body: Energetically, by the local application of pure, therapeutic grade essential oils on the feet and back Physically, by detoxifying tissues in the body and reducing acidity Emotionally, by balancing and strengthening all areas of the nervous system and sometimes stimulating emotional release Holistically, … Read more

Detoxing heavy metals and weight loss

By Brenda Rogers / 19 Sep 2013

Today I’m featuring a blog from fellow naturopath Leisa Wheeler of Embracing Health (  Leisa’s article features 5 foods you can eat to help detoxify from heavy metals. If you are overweight you can safely assume that unwanted wastes such as heavy metals will be stored in your body.  As you release fat, rather than … Read more

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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