emotional intelligence

Women, food and Christmas

By Brenda Rogers / 09 Jan 2014

Happy New Year!  How did you fare over the “festive season”?  Was it as the fairy tales portray – a magical, heartfelt reconnection with all the important things – family, rejuvenation, celebration, good food?  Or did it not live up to the ideal and you found the emotional triggers challenging?  Or maybe you’re like me … Read more

Overcoming comfort eating

By Brenda Rogers / 21 Jun 2013

  Comfort Eating Comfort eating is common, occurring in up to 80% of the population!  Comfort eating (AKA emotional or non-hungry eating) is the urge to eat for reasons other than physiological hunger. In our culture where food is incredibly abundant, comfort eating has become a convenient way for us to manage uncomfortable emotions. Just … Read more

On emotional eating…

By Brenda Rogers / 24 Jan 2013

Geneen Roth is one of my all time favourite teachers.  I’ve learned so much from her about connecting with my soul through how I eat which for many years was highly emotional!  And it’s now how I like to work with my clients. Here’s another wonderful installment from her.  Please visit her website and sign … Read more

7 Steps to Vitality & Vigour

By Brenda Rogers / 22 Aug 2012

What can you do to improve your health? Follow these steps for a systematic review and guidelines on what you need to do. Step 1.  Optimise digestion.  Nothing gets into your body without going through your digestive system first so if you have an unhealthy gut environment, this is the first place to start. Step … Read more

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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