Weight – not about the calories
I’m currently reading the book “The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M Campbell. It’s a plug for a natural, whole food diet but based on the most phenomenal good science and written by someone you wouldn’t expect to advocate plants and whole foods. Colin Campbell grew up on a farm, studied to … Read more
Natural Approach to Heart Health
With cardiovascular disease being such a concerning issue for our modern society its about time we realised doctors and natural health practitioners need to work together to help minimise the suffering caused by this killer. The naturopathic approach Regardless of whether someone is on blood pressure medication, statins, or even diabetic medications, nutritional and naturopathic … Read more
7 Steps to Vitality & Vigour
What can you do to improve your health? Follow these steps for a systematic review and guidelines on what you need to do. Step 1. Optimise digestion. Nothing gets into your body without going through your digestive system first so if you have an unhealthy gut environment, this is the first place to start. Step … Read more
"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."
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