
A story about bingeing

By Brenda Rogers / 12 Sep 2013

Binges and Kindness by Geneen Roth A few months ago, I was walking to a party in Manhattan. Halfway there, I stopped and bought a hot pretzel from a street vendor. That should have been my first inkling that something was amiss. Why? Oh, only two minor reasons:  I don’t like pretzels and I wasn’t … Read more

Sugar addiction, kindness and weight loss

By Brenda Rogers / 11 Jul 2013

I was driving through Sydney one fateful day listening to a fabulous documentary on the radio.  As I listened a massive light bulb went off in my head.  They were talking about sugar addiction!  It was the first time I’d heard it described in such detail with a number of people sharing their stories.  I … Read more

The tyranny of the shoulds

By Brenda Rogers / 07 Jun 2013

“I shouldn’t have eaten that. What should I eat? I should exercise more. I should know better. I know what I should do, I just don’t do it. It’s 1pm:I should eat now,” etc, etc…. Sound familiar? Dieters tend to use outside circumstances to determine what, when, how and how much they should or shouldn’t … Read more

Is a diet of kindness the answer?

By Brenda Rogers / 04 Nov 2012

Sometimes, we overeat or eat the “wrong” foods to punish ourselves.  Sometimes the voice in our head is very unkind and says all manner of things that are hurtful – things like “I’m not good enough”, “I’m useless”, or “I’m not loveable”. These are in fact lies. But we believe it. These unkind forms of … Read more

Mindful (Walking) Meditation

By Brenda Rogers / 16 Oct 2012

Everyone needs something to help them re-centre themselves.  So often we hear about the benefits of meditation and yet the regular practice of it seems an impossible dream (to me at least!).  I’ve never been able to successfully meditate, at least the sitting-down, eyes-closed, thumb-and-forefinger-together version of meditation.  What I’ve discovered is that I can … Read more

Quote for today

By Brenda Rogers / 02 Oct 2012

There are realities we all share, regardless of our nationality, language, or individual tastes. As we need food, so do we need emotional nourishment: love, kindness, appreciation, and support from others. J. Donald Walters

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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