
Thyroid and Weight and General Health

By Brenda Rogers / 30 Sep 2015

The Thyroid Dilemma What’s our thyroid really telling us? In the film “What the Bleep do we Know?” it is described in exquisite detail how our thoughts influence our body and how our hormones are the messengers of our thoughts. So the question isn’t “Could my weight/fertility/mood/cholesterol problem be caused by my hormones?” but actually, … Read more

5 keys to breaking the “mood & food” vicious circle

By Brenda Rogers / 22 Mar 2013

Research suggests a link between diet and depression We know that being depressed can make you eat poorly but did you know that an unhealthy diet is also a contributing factor to depression.  Eat poorly and you’re at risk of depression.  Get depressed and you’re at risk of becoming overweight.  And around and around it … Read more

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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