self care

Why I reject diets and love what I do

By Brenda Rogers / 20 Feb 2014

As a naturopath, I decided to specialise in weight loss because the greatest gifts and the greatest grief in my life have manifested through the way I eat.  Feeding myself was my most basic need and the most significant way of expressing self care.  It’s also a fabulous way to punish myself. So in my … Read more

Women, food and Christmas

By Brenda Rogers / 09 Jan 2014

Happy New Year!  How did you fare over the “festive season”?  Was it as the fairy tales portray – a magical, heartfelt reconnection with all the important things – family, rejuvenation, celebration, good food?  Or did it not live up to the ideal and you found the emotional triggers challenging?  Or maybe you’re like me … Read more

The point of feeling yuk!

By Brenda Rogers / 15 Aug 2013

Today I was coaching a client who wants to lose weight so she can fall pregnant.  She has polycystic ovarian syndrome.  This is a condition caused by poor blood sugar control and insulin resistance which is caused largely by a poor diet.  Just eliminating soft drinks helped this young woman to lose 2 kilos! But, … Read more

The Risky Business of Self Care!

By Brenda Rogers / 23 May 2013

A favourite teacher of mine, Geneen Roth, has been teaching me how to heal from emotional eating for a long time now.  I’ve absorbed her wisdom into my cells!  She’s a writer and is beautifully articulate in describing what we need to do to find out way through.  I share her wise words, with her … Read more

On emotional eating…

By Brenda Rogers / 24 Jan 2013

Geneen Roth is one of my all time favourite teachers.  I’ve learned so much from her about connecting with my soul through how I eat which for many years was highly emotional!  And it’s now how I like to work with my clients. Here’s another wonderful installment from her.  Please visit her website and sign … Read more

Mindful (Walking) Meditation

By Brenda Rogers / 16 Oct 2012

Everyone needs something to help them re-centre themselves.  So often we hear about the benefits of meditation and yet the regular practice of it seems an impossible dream (to me at least!).  I’ve never been able to successfully meditate, at least the sitting-down, eyes-closed, thumb-and-forefinger-together version of meditation.  What I’ve discovered is that I can … Read more

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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