Weight Management

The unmentionable! Constipation!

By Brenda Rogers / 06 Mar 2014

Let’s talk about the unmentionables… Can relieving constipation help with weight loss? And if yes, is there a safe way to do it? This week I heard a story of an unhealthy, overweight man who followed a raw food detoxification program.  In one day he lost over 6 kgs and had 12 bowel motions!  OMG!!  … Read more

Bummer, I’ve lost control of my eating…

By Brenda Rogers / 07 Feb 2014

Are you out of control?  Maybe you are a Carb Addict? Did you know we crave what we’re allergic to?  Or to put it another way, we can become addicted to what we are sensitive to. Do you really have a binge eating disorder or an emotional eating problem OR are you simply addicted to … Read more

You just want to look good, right?

By Brenda Rogers / 23 Jan 2014

I was speaking with a client this week who is well into her 60s – a lovely, kind lady who just has a few extra kilos particularly around the middle.  She wants to lose weight!  We were laughing as she told me how she remembered her mother telling her, years ago, that she wanted to … Read more

Women, food and Christmas

By Brenda Rogers / 09 Jan 2014

Happy New Year!  How did you fare over the “festive season”?  Was it as the fairy tales portray – a magical, heartfelt reconnection with all the important things – family, rejuvenation, celebration, good food?  Or did it not live up to the ideal and you found the emotional triggers challenging?  Or maybe you’re like me … Read more

Could it be your hormones making you fat?

By Brenda Rogers / 28 Nov 2013

You’re great at your job, you have a flair for helping others get what they want, maybe you’re a coach or a consultant of some kind and your customers love you. But when it comes to helping yourself, hmmm, you’re not so great. You dress well, you go to the gym and you know exactly … Read more

Gluten and weight loss

By Brenda Rogers / 11 Nov 2013

Could your health and your weight improve with the removal of gluten-containing products from your diet?  You could do a blood test to find out if you are reacting to gluten or you could remove gluten for a couple of weeks and then reintroduce it, taking note of your symptoms.  Gluten can take a while … Read more

Can coconut oil help you lose weight?

By Brenda Rogers / 31 Oct 2013

While researching fats for my Healthy Eating Workshop, I came across a lot of information on coconut oil.  I’ve been putting coconut oil on my skin for years now and have been frying things in it for a long time too.  But there’s been a recent frenzy on the subject, particularly regarding weight loss and … Read more

More barriers to weight loss

By Brenda Rogers / 25 Oct 2013

Stress and poor sleep Our adrenal glands make the hormone cortisol in response to stress.  Excess levels of cortisol can cause fluid retention, bloating and weight gain around the neck, trunk and abdomen.  If stress is severe or prolonged, it can cause chronic elevation of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline and this can result in … Read more

3 barriers to overcome for weight loss

By Brenda Rogers / 10 Oct 2013

Recently, I started coaching a new group of women wanting to lose weight.  The program is for 8 weeks and the excitement at the beginning is palpable.  Everyone is filled with hope and longing that their weight loss goals will be fulfilled.  Then reality bites!  At around the 4-week mark the cracks begin to show, … Read more

5 fats that will help you lose weight

By Brenda Rogers / 03 Oct 2013

Have you ever thought to yourself, “if only I could get a handle on my sugar cravings and/or constant hunger I’d be fine”?  But, have you ever wondered why your body is doing that to you?  Your body is not trying to undermine your goals to be slim – it’s trying to survive.  It’s doing … Read more

Fat phobia makes us fat!

By Brenda Rogers / 26 Sep 2013

Still eating margarine?  Still avoiding butter and avocado?  You could be doing yourself a great injustice when it comes to your health and your weight.  I have been exploring and discovering nutrition and diets for over 20 years now, trying to separate the truth from the myths and what have I learned?  That our fear … Read more

Detoxing heavy metals and weight loss

By Brenda Rogers / 19 Sep 2013

Today I’m featuring a blog from fellow naturopath Leisa Wheeler of Embracing Health (www.embracinghealth.com.au).  Leisa’s article features 5 foods you can eat to help detoxify from heavy metals. If you are overweight you can safely assume that unwanted wastes such as heavy metals will be stored in your body.  As you release fat, rather than … Read more

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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