Preparing for Conception – now that’s a good idea!


Pre-conception Care

It takes close to 4 months for both the male sperm and the female egg to reach maturation.  So, ladies, the egg you release this month has spent 4 months growing to full egg status inside your body and guys, the sperm you release today started its growth journey 4 months ago!

That means to have the healthiest possible egg or sperm a minimum of 4 months is required for your pre-conception “get healthy” program.  Typically, this 4 month period should NOT include a detox as you do not want the gamete (baby egg or sperm) being exposed to any toxins mobilised by the detox program.  Detoxing should occur 6 months prior to conception.

So you have a wonderful grace period of up to 6 months in order to get yourself into tip top shape.  You can do a lot in 6 months!

What does a pre-conception program include?

I offer a comprehensive preconception program for singles or couples designed to improve your chances of conceiving a healthy baby.  It includes:

  • Initial history taking and testing:  There are standard things you will do in your preconception program and there are individualised things.  You might be able to go to the health food store to get some basic supplements for yourself but it will take a professional case history and various tests to tailor your program specifically to you. Testing may include basic blood testing, functional pathology testing such as hormone testing, nutritional assessment, body composition analysis and live blood viewing.
  • Egg and sperm optimisation:  Did you know zinc is required for healthy sperm and adequate amounts of iron and B12 are essential prior to pregnancy.  Also, an abundance of antioxidants in the diet will help protect the sperm and egg on their path to maturation.  These and other nutrients are necessary for optimising your chances of conception and for ensuring the healthiest baby possible.  Remember research now shows that the health of the egg and sperm significantly contributes to the health status of the child over his or her lifetime and as male fertility contributes 50% to the chances of conception, male preconception care is essential too.
  • Clean food, clean life, healthy baby:  You will do an audit of the chemicals and lifestyle toxins you are exposed to and will be encouraged to adopt a clean lifestyle.  This includes natural, wholesome and preferably organic food, chemical free cleaning and personal care products, minimising exposure at work, alcohol reduction and so on.
  • Stress management: one of the biggest impediments to conception is stress.  It’ s wise to get started on a relaxation program or stress management plan sooner rather than later.
  • Correction of deficiencies and previous disease states:  If you’ve just come off the Pill its possible you will be deficient in folic acid; if you have been stressed for a long time you may need to restore magnesium levels inside your red blood cells; if you’ve been hooked on coffee you may need some nervous system support or gentle liver support; if your periods are irregular or absent then your plan will need to include regulation of the menstrual cycle.  These are just some of the examples of how your individualised program will work for you.
  • Emotional support and education:  Of course the pregnancy journey is an emotional one.  Armed with education and a referral network you’ll be able to support yourself and each other towards success.


Healthy Conception


 Fertility Masterclass

I’ve recently completed a Fertility Masterclass series and am excited to introduce to you my preconception care program.  This step by step 4 – 6 month program for both partners is an exceptional way to get you prepared for the pregnancy journey ahead.  Whether you’re choosing the IVF path or the natural one, preparing your body makes sense.   Research now shows the myriad of ways in which nutrition and lifestyle factors impact fertility, pregnancy and beyond.  Choosing to take charge of your health is a very wise decision.

Who needs preconception care?

  • Women and men planning conscious conception
  • Women over 35 years old planning a family
  • Women coming off the Pill
  • Couples using assisted reproductive technologies to improve fertility
  • Women with reproductive challenges such as irregular menstrual cycles, fibroids or endometriosis
  • Anyone who hasn’t yet got themselves healthy for their first or next child

To read more about the Optimal Fertility Program please click here.

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Brenda Rogers

With over 25 years experience as a corporate trainer, naturopath, yoga teacher and wise woman educator, Brenda is the head clinician and coach at Quintessence Health.

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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