6 powerful strategies for healing a fatty liver naturally?
What is (nonalcoholic) fatty liver? Fatty liver is a liver condition where there is a build up of excess fat in the liver cells mainly due to poor nutrition and food choices, but can also result from gut issues and not being able to break down and utilise the food you eat. It’s normal for … Read more
If nothing changes, nothing changes
This week I spoke to a large group of women at a local women’s gym about “How to quit sugar”. We were well into the presentation, discussing alternatives to white sugar when someone asked me what they could have instead of sugar in their coffee. The audience tittered! I didn’t need to answer the question, … Read more
Cheap food and the 4 white devils!
Why cheap food isn’t really cheap What are most processed foods made of? What are the cheapest foods on the planet? What foods make us fat? The answer is, my friends, the same for each question: I have affectionately named them “the 4 white devils” and they include: White flour White sugar White salt and … Read more
"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."
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