How will you make the best of the current forced hibernation?

Making lemonade!

There is always a silver lining…

We just need to find it. Already stories from around the world are filtering through – people getting to know their neighbours better, natural medicines being more in demand, less pollution coming from China and so on.

What will the positive aspects be for you? 

I’m looking at it a as a kind of hibernation and therefore a time for reflection and inner work. I plan to use the extra time I have from the cancelled meetings and social activities to:

  • Further cultivate my inner trust in the Universe
  • Complete my 2018/19 tax return
  • Meditate, do more yoga, read my book 
  • Create some more innovative programs and events in the perimenopause space
  • Write: to friends, to my clients, in my journal, articles and blog posts
  • Call my family and friends more often. 

Us humans are good at turning lemons into lemonade.

How will you make the best of the current crisis?

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Brenda Rogers

With over 25 years experience as a corporate trainer, naturopath, yoga teacher and wise woman educator, Brenda is the head clinician and coach at Quintessence Health.

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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