Why use drugs when you can use kitchen medicine?
Why are we so reliant on medication for our health? Why do we resort to something that gets rid of the symptoms but does nothing for the cause of our condition or for our long term health? One of the reasons is that we’ve lost our connection with our kitchen! Yes! We’ve had decades of … Read more
The unmentionable! Constipation!
Let’s talk about the unmentionables… Can relieving constipation help with weight loss? And if yes, is there a safe way to do it? This week I heard a story of an unhealthy, overweight man who followed a raw food detoxification program. In one day he lost over 6 kgs and had 12 bowel motions! OMG!! … Read more
Could it be your thyroid?
A new client came to me yesterday. She’d been diagnosed at 16 with an under active thyroid and she’d been on Thyroxine ever since. She’s now 40, obese and miserable. Many people believe their weight problem is caused by their thyroid being under active, but is it really? My experience tells me an under active … Read more
If nothing changes, nothing changes
This week I spoke to a large group of women at a local women’s gym about “How to quit sugar”. We were well into the presentation, discussing alternatives to white sugar when someone asked me what they could have instead of sugar in their coffee. The audience tittered! I didn’t need to answer the question, … Read more
"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."
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