Good morning! Through my ongoing training as a naturopathic nutritionist over the past 30 years, I can now say with 100% certainty that the Standard Australian/American/Modern Diet (SAD) is the PRIMARY cause of my dysfunctional relationship to food. Could it be yours too? Add in antibiotics and stress and we have a recipe for nearly all of the modern day diseases and disorders. I now know, I was already addicted to carbs when I hit my teens and developed an eating disorder. I had no clue that my subsequent journey into sheer hell started in my gut. But I do now! Let me explain... FIRSTLY, LET'S CLEAR UP A FEW THINGS ... YOU ARE NOT weak willed because you struggle to give up the carbs. ... YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE if you've sabotaged your efforts to lose weight by eating sweets and carbs, and ... YOU ARE NOT DOOMED to be an emotional eater forever. DID YOU KNOW... ... our gut flora dictates our food addictions? Dr Natasha Campbell McBride, creator of the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) protocol says: "Whatever group of microbes you have dominating your gut, they will 'demand' their perfect food, giving you an irresistible desire for them". **Those with abnormal gut flora will have an abnormal relationship to food.** She goes on to say: "Cravings for sweet and starchy foods are typical for most people with abnormal gut flora. Bread, pasta, sugary drinks, biscuits, cakes, sweets, pizza, breakfast cereals, chocolates, chips and crisps are the foods to which GAPS people limit their diet, because the most common pathogens overgrowing in their gut love these foods". BUT THE ISSUE DOESN'T END THERE... These microbes are clever. They feast on the processed carbohydrates and convert them into many toxic substances, including opiates and endorphins - hence the emotional high you can get from eating carbs. We know opiates are addictive! So, the brain wants more. As a result, the foods that harm you become your favourite foods and YOU BECOME AN ADDICT! AND STILL, THE STORY GETS WORSE! Some of the other chemicals these pathogenic microbes produce cause: Brain fog Seizures Mood changes esp anxiety and depression Memory issues Immune dysfunction esp autoimmune Fatigue Attention and behavioural disorders ...And so many more modern-day-epidemic symptoms. WHAT DO YOU DO ABOUT IT? The answer is, of course, the diet. But, not just any diet. We need a diet that supports the microbial balance of a healthy gut. LET ME GIVE YOU AN EXAMPLE... One of the key microbes that exists in people with sugar cravings is candida. Candida burrows into the gut lining and grows "tentacles" to keep itself embedded there. It secretes chemicals that cause you to crave comfort foods and therefore, keep itself alive. It messes with your brain function. It messes with your moods. It messes with your immune system. Just avoiding sugar won't get rid of it, also need to heal the gut lining and remove the candida from it and, need to feed the bugs you do want to flourish. SOUNDS COMPLICATED? It is a little to begin with. But I can tell you from personal experience that every effort you put into redesigning the way you eat, repays you 1000 fold. To have balanced moods, no pain, clear focus, and to feel stronger, calmer and more energised is your birthright. It's how you are meant to feel. It's not easy, it takes time (quite a lot of time in some cases), and it takes effort, but you're worth it. FINAL WORD If you are someone who is on a path to greater self-awareness and spiritual connection, you will struggle while your body is in this addicted state. The next step on your journey might be to clean up your gut. Love and blessings Brenda Rogers Transformational Naturopath Certified GAPS Practitioner PS: Book a complimentary Synergy Session with me in September and get an extra month added to your program (Ts & Cs apply). Book here:
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"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."
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