emotional eating

Satisfying Mind Hunger

By Brenda Rogers / 10 Dec 2015

By Geneen Roth During the peak of my diet and binge days, hunger had nothing to do with how much I consumed–I ate because I was angry, sad, bored, lonely, or tired, or because I was celebrating, grieving, or getting ready to go on another diet. It never occurred to me that eating had anything … Read more

Is your life a whirlwind at the moment

By Brenda Rogers / 27 Apr 2014

What fabulous things can you do to support yourself while you’re going through pesky change?  How can you thrive through adversity? Recently, I found out that a tenant I had in an investment property was moving out (in a market that had dropped significantly) and, on the same day, that the house we are renting … Read more

Bummer, I’ve lost control of my eating…

By Brenda Rogers / 07 Feb 2014

Are you out of control?  Maybe you are a Carb Addict? Did you know we crave what we’re allergic to?  Or to put it another way, we can become addicted to what we are sensitive to. Do you really have a binge eating disorder or an emotional eating problem OR are you simply addicted to … Read more

You just want to look good, right?

By Brenda Rogers / 23 Jan 2014

I was speaking with a client this week who is well into her 60s – a lovely, kind lady who just has a few extra kilos particularly around the middle.  She wants to lose weight!  We were laughing as she told me how she remembered her mother telling her, years ago, that she wanted to … Read more

Women, food and Christmas

By Brenda Rogers / 09 Jan 2014

Happy New Year!  How did you fare over the “festive season”?  Was it as the fairy tales portray – a magical, heartfelt reconnection with all the important things – family, rejuvenation, celebration, good food?  Or did it not live up to the ideal and you found the emotional triggers challenging?  Or maybe you’re like me … Read more

Could it be your hormones making you fat?

By Brenda Rogers / 28 Nov 2013

You’re great at your job, you have a flair for helping others get what they want, maybe you’re a coach or a consultant of some kind and your customers love you. But when it comes to helping yourself, hmmm, you’re not so great. You dress well, you go to the gym and you know exactly … Read more

If nothing changes, nothing changes

By Brenda Rogers / 18 Jul 2013

This week I spoke to a large group of women at a local women’s gym about “How to quit sugar”.  We were well into the presentation, discussing alternatives to white sugar when someone asked me what they could have instead of sugar in their coffee.  The audience tittered! I didn’t need to answer the question, … Read more

Overcoming comfort eating

By Brenda Rogers / 21 Jun 2013

  Comfort Eating Comfort eating is common, occurring in up to 80% of the population!  Comfort eating (AKA emotional or non-hungry eating) is the urge to eat for reasons other than physiological hunger. In our culture where food is incredibly abundant, comfort eating has become a convenient way for us to manage uncomfortable emotions. Just … Read more

Addicted to mouth pleasure?

By Brenda Rogers / 16 May 2013

Is the oral pleasure of food an addiction for you?  Do you enjoy the exquisite delight of a piece of chocolate or salty chips but then have to keep going back for more and more? Have you become confused because pleasure quickly turns to pain? Research suggests that the most pleasurable bite is the first … Read more

On emotional eating…

By Brenda Rogers / 24 Jan 2013

Geneen Roth is one of my all time favourite teachers.  I’ve learned so much from her about connecting with my soul through how I eat which for many years was highly emotional!  And it’s now how I like to work with my clients. Here’s another wonderful installment from her.  Please visit her website and sign … Read more

Breakfast myths

By Brenda Rogers / 26 Oct 2012

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, mainly because it sets the tone for your eating habits for the rest of the day.  One of the most common problems for people, especially those watching their weight, is a tendency to under eat at breakfast. We think that a Weet Bix and a … Read more

Does goal setting work for YOU?

By Brenda Rogers / 21 Oct 2012

Over the weekend I’ve been pondering the nature of goal setting.  As I’m teaching others to be mindful around eating so they can heal their lives, I’m taking this on myself and what’s come up for me is a struggle around setting goals (wanting things I don’t have!).   Goal setting is great!  BUT, there’s a … Read more

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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