weight gain

7 Reasons your Peri-Menopausal Symptoms could be your Thyroid

By Brenda Rogers / 05 Jul 2021

Natural medicine doctor and hormone guru, Lara Briden says the thyroid is our canary in the coal mine. If your thyroid is struggling—other tissues are struggling too. So, it’s worthwhile having a conversation about your thyroid especially if weight gain has been troubling you and you have low mood, constipation or high cholesterol – all signs … Read more

The biggest mistake older women make when managing their weight

By Brenda Rogers / 25 Jan 2021

When I say older women, I mean women 40 and over. Is that you? Have you heard the rumours that at the scary Menopause you’re going to stack the weight on? Well, it’s true! Unless you’re prepared… Here’s a couple of facts for you regarding Menopause Your metabolism drops once you are no longer cycling. … Read more

Sugar addiction, kindness and weight loss

By Brenda Rogers / 11 Jul 2013

I was driving through Sydney one fateful day listening to a fabulous documentary on the radio.  As I listened a massive light bulb went off in my head.  They were talking about sugar addiction!  It was the first time I’d heard it described in such detail with a number of people sharing their stories.  I … Read more

Cheap food and the 4 white devils!

By Brenda Rogers / 28 Jun 2013

Why cheap food isn’t really cheap What are most processed foods made of?  What are the cheapest foods on the planet?  What foods make us fat? The answer is, my friends, the same for each question:  I have affectionately named them “the 4 white devils” and they include: White flour White sugar White salt and … Read more

Overcoming comfort eating

By Brenda Rogers / 21 Jun 2013

  Comfort Eating Comfort eating is common, occurring in up to 80% of the population!  Comfort eating (AKA emotional or non-hungry eating) is the urge to eat for reasons other than physiological hunger. In our culture where food is incredibly abundant, comfort eating has become a convenient way for us to manage uncomfortable emotions. Just … Read more

Who am I and what do I do?

By Brenda Rogers / 14 Jun 2013

Who I am Hi I’m Brenda Rogers and most of all, I’m a coach!  I love to help people blossom and grow into who they want to be. Specifically, I help people do that by working through their weight issues.   I’m a spiritual coach, an emotional intelligence coach and I work with the psychology of … Read more

Is black and white thinking make you fat?

By Brenda Rogers / 27 Mar 2013

Black and white thinking is prevalent in dieters.  It could be called The Dieting Mentality.  Black and white thinking could also show up as all or nothing thinking or right and wrong thinking.  While these types of thinking styles are normal, when they become excessive they can severely limit our perspective on life and our … Read more

The truth about weight loss!

By Brenda Rogers / 28 Aug 2012

The truth is that being overweight is the symptom, not the cause; it’s the consequence, not the action or, to use a familiar quote, it’s the horse that has bolted, not the gate that someone left open!  Trying to “fix” consequences never works. So what are some of the possible causes? Stress The biochemical result … Read more

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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