Thought for the day

My Top 8 Tips for Coping with Lockdown

By Brenda Rogers / 19 Jul 2021

Here are some of my philosophical and practical ruminations on coping with the lockdown. Remember, too shall pass… 1. Eating well & using cooking as a hobbyI’m spending more time in the kitchen rather than watching TV. Eating well is WAY cheaper if you make things yourself so in the last few weeks I’ve researched recipes … Read more

Please Listen

By Brenda Rogers / 18 Apr 2015

Please Listen When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving me advice, you have not done what I asked. When I ask you to listen to me and you begin to tell me why I shouldn’t feel that way, you are trampling on my feelings. When I ask you to listen … Read more

Why we must change

By Brenda Rogers / 16 Sep 2014

Thoroughly unprepared, we take the step into the afternoon of life.  Worse still, we take this step with the false presupposition that our truths and our ideals will serve us as hitherto.  But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning, for what was great in the morning will … Read more

Thought Power: How to Manifest Your Reality

By Brenda Rogers / 07 Aug 2014

Source: The Mind Unleashed Being a bit of a personal development enthusiast, I’ve read tons of stuff on how to manifest your reality.  Most of it I find pie-in-the-sky!  When I read this article featured on The Mind Unleashed I found it very practical; written by someone who knew the challenges of managing your thoughts.  … Read more

Top 8 Reasons why you SHOULD get angry.

By Brenda Rogers / 03 Jun 2014

By The Love Coach – Frances Amaroux.  To sign up for Frances’ newsletter (which I highly recommend) click here. I remember back in the dark ages when I was a good Catholic girl, I made a vow for Lent not to get angry any more. I’ve no idea if I was an especially angry little girl or not, … Read more

Women, food and Christmas

By Brenda Rogers / 09 Jan 2014

Happy New Year!  How did you fare over the “festive season”?  Was it as the fairy tales portray – a magical, heartfelt reconnection with all the important things – family, rejuvenation, celebration, good food?  Or did it not live up to the ideal and you found the emotional triggers challenging?  Or maybe you’re like me … Read more

The point of feeling yuk!

By Brenda Rogers / 15 Aug 2013

Today I was coaching a client who wants to lose weight so she can fall pregnant.  She has polycystic ovarian syndrome.  This is a condition caused by poor blood sugar control and insulin resistance which is caused largely by a poor diet.  Just eliminating soft drinks helped this young woman to lose 2 kilos! But, … Read more

Are you wondering if stress is contributing to your weight problem?

By Brenda Rogers / 08 Aug 2013

When you hear the word stress what do you think about?  Does your never ending “To Do” list come to mind?  Or time pressure, personality conflicts at work, a demanding boss or traffic? This is mental stress but it’s only one type of stress. The stress of meeting a deadline at work may only be … Read more

You are not alone & being mindful

By Brenda Rogers / 25 Jul 2013

… you pig out regularly (this is now called Binge Eating Disorder), skip meals, exercise like crazy to make up for your overeating, put yourself on restrictive diets or you use laxatives, diet pills or steroids. This is disordered eating and it’s extremely common, affecting between 3% and 7% of the population and it’s equally … Read more

If nothing changes, nothing changes

By Brenda Rogers / 18 Jul 2013

This week I spoke to a large group of women at a local women’s gym about “How to quit sugar”.  We were well into the presentation, discussing alternatives to white sugar when someone asked me what they could have instead of sugar in their coffee.  The audience tittered! I didn’t need to answer the question, … Read more

Chocolate, wine and bacon & the 4 White Devils! Part 2

By Brenda Rogers / 04 Jul 2013

Goodness!  Don’t you reckon there’s room for chocolate, wine and bacon in a diet that maintains our most natural weight! I do!  We’ve just got to learn to make them work for us. Back when I had a very unhealthy relationship with food I would eat chocolate like it was my last day of the … Read more

Cheap food and the 4 white devils!

By Brenda Rogers / 28 Jun 2013

Why cheap food isn’t really cheap What are most processed foods made of?  What are the cheapest foods on the planet?  What foods make us fat? The answer is, my friends, the same for each question:  I have affectionately named them “the 4 white devils” and they include: White flour White sugar White salt and … Read more

"A healthy mind and body simply ensures you have the time and energy to fully express and manifest your life’s purpose – it facilitates the unfolding of joy."

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